The Vosges, it's feels good to be back. Last december it was all cold and wet but now spring has changed the landscape in another kind of beauty.
After a 7 hour drive, i arrived at my first destination, a valley in the Longemer region. This large swamp area is not very known among tourists so it's always quiet. Only birds were to be seen and in the dark a roe deer was barking for a long time. The landscape here made up more then enough for the lack of wildlife in front of the lens.
16mm 1/100 F8 iso100 |
22mm 1/250 F7.1 iso100 |
10mm 1/80 F8 iso100 |
The second day i headed to the Gran Ventron forest. It was even more quiet here as i didn't see any humans around here! Unfortunately did the animals also send a rain check. Even so, hiking around in this large forest doesn't get any better then this. More photography luck next time.
The third and fourth day i geared up for a two day hike from the Hohneck to Kastelberg and back. My backpack was heavy but it was still doable to get safely down steep trails and rocks. The first day was downhill and i managed 15km down into the Wormsa valley and to the Kastelberg but during the day, only birds are present to get their photo taken. At the end of the day i found a nice level spot on the east side of the Kastelberg. There i saw the first chamois but it was still far away. The day ended with a few nice moments during sunset and another picture was born.
100mm 1/800 F5.6 iso100 |
420mm 1/160 F4 iso400 |
35mm 1/200 F8 iso100 |
Getting up the Kastelberg in the morning was hard but a nice field of flowers was part of the scenery . Reaching the top felt great but it took quite a bit of food and water to keep my energy level high enough. From there on it was an easy hike back to the Hohneck.
600mm 1/640 F8 iso400 |
The rest of the day i rested half way down the trail in the Wormspel Valley. I had a very nice view on the slopes and the chamois were resting on the snow. At 16h the chamois started to get active and jumped around the rocks and the snow. Some suicidal tourist with his dog couldn't resist getting closer to the chamois by trying to walk on the snow. The slope is so steep that i wouldn't have been surprised to see an avalanche when the snow gives way. Then i heard some noise in the bushes and a stoat popped up from behind a rock! I instantly had a picture in my head but when my hand was going for my camera, it already disappeared. A moment i will not soon forget.
600mm 1/1600 F6.3 iso400 |
600mm 1/160 F6.3 iso400 |
Then it was time to try and get some closer chamois pictures, not by trying to stalk them but to wait and let them come to me. They like the grassfields so that's were i got down and waited. After about an hour they started coming my way. Very relaxed they started feeding and lay down in the grass. I used live-view for these pictures because i had time enough and the subject didn't move. This way i got that extra sharpness to make the image pop a little more. At 600mm with the 2x tc the IQ is still very good with the 300mm F2.8. I read so much about the 2x tc lacking sharpness but it all comes down to stability.
600mm 1/160 F6.3 iso400 |
When the metering on my 7D showed 1/10 at iso6400 it was time to pack up. I headed back up the Hohneck to prepare my bag of adventure food. After a while, a storm started to approach. I set up the tripod and took some testpictures. 30sec F3.5 iso1600 seemed to get a good exposure. Then it was all down to luck to get a nice lightning in the picture. The 10-22mm lens is ideal for this but at 10mm the lightning has to be pretty close to be big enough in the picture. I then heard some noise right in front of me. A couple of chamois just passed in front of the camera! I was hoping the lightning would have made them visible in the picture but no luck. After about 30 photos i packed up because it was getting far too dangerous to be on the second highest point in the Vosges with a lightningstorm coming my way.
Storm over the Vosges 10mm 30sec F3.5 iso1600 |
300mm 1/2000 F2.8 iso400 |
The next morning was dedicated to chamois photos. I got up early and as expected, the chamois were feeding between the Hohneck and little Hohneck. I used the technique of approaching them zigzagging. This worked extremely well as i got so close after a while that i almost had to swap my 300mm for the 100mm macro.
300mm 1/640 F2.8 iso400 |
I did have problems with my backup third party batteries. In a burst they died and taking the battery out was the only way to make the 7D come back alive. I could still take pictures one by one so i didn't lose to many shots. In the end most of the time you get what you pay for...
300mm 1/1600 F2.8 iso400 |
300mm 1/1250 F2.8 iso200 |
300mm 1/1000 F3.5 iso400 |
420mm 1/500 F4.5 iso200 |
100mm 1/60 F8 iso200 |
The last evening i decided to give it another try in the valley of the first day. When i got there it got dark and heavy rain started coming down. In a brief dry moment i hurried to a location to set up camp. Just when i arrived it started pouring again. I quickly set up a tarp and then i had to wait it out. After an hour it finally stopped. The valley was now looking like a rainforest. I quickly made some shots with the 100mm and then finished setting up camp. Apart from a growl and probably the same barking roe deer all was quiet. Again no sightings of animals but a paradise-like valley covered in mist was the reward for sitting in the rain for an hour.
100mm 1/80 F8 iso200 |
420mm 1/500 F4.5 iso200 |
In the morning i couldn't resist going back to the Hohneck and it was the right decision! The chamois were there again but i was a bit late. They had already moved a down the slopes and i could only photograph them for half an hour. This time i made many shots of them running or walking.
420mm 1/500 F4.5 iso200 |
420mm 1/640 F4 iso200 |
When they got out of reach on the steep rocks one chamois trailed behind the rest of the herd an was looking for his friends. It filled in the gap of a 'chamois on the rocks' photo that i didn't have yet.
600mm 1/1250 F7.1 iso400 |
When going back up the mountain, a raven passed by pretty close so a nice bonus picture filled up the last bytes on the card.
600mm 1/800 F7.1 iso400 |
With the batteries drained and 2 full cf cards i was happy to return. The Vosges is a fascinating region were one can walk the earth for life and not see everything it has to offer. My next destination for May is still undecided but in June the Vosges are on the menu again. Stay tuned!
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